Night Vision
Haylee Fortin
August 14 to September 21, 2024
Inviting yet uncanny, Haylee Fortin's immersive installation, Night Vision, is about acts of watching and being watched. The work embodies her observations of the nuances and complexity of the hunting community in Alberta. But, her knowledge of this world still needs to be completed, gathered as an observer on online hunting forums and social media groups. Despite many differences, she found that she shares many of the desires and values of the forum members, including a feeling of interconnectedness with the wider world.
Her work exists in the space of not knowing but seeking to understand, working with various printmaking methods, painting, sculpture and diorama traditions. It is a space that holds both strange disconnections and moments of understanding.
Image credit: Haylee Fortin, Hunting Blind Interior, 2021, diorama; Haylee Fortin, Targets Closeup, 2021, silkscreen on rice paper with silkscreen foliage and painted branches.