Métis Buffalo Hunts
What were the hunts like?
They were exciting, but dangerous too! Hundreds of people would gather from different communities, and everyone had a job. We created our own laws and elected leaders to help organize all the people, horses, dogs, wagons and supplies that were needed. The men rode in the hunt, and then the women would remove the hides, cut up and dry the meat and gather all the other parts they could use. The children helped too, even ones your age, my boy. Oh, did they ever work hard!
Comment c’était de chasser?
C’était excitant, mais dangereux aussi! Des centaines de personnes issues de différentes communautés se rassem-blaient et toutes avaient un rôle à jouer. Nous avions nos propres lois et nous choisissions des organisateurs pour aider à coordonner les personnes, les chevaux, les chiens, les chariots et les fournitures nécessaires. Les hommes chassaient à cheval et les femmes enlevaient les peaux, découpaient et séchaient la viande et récupéraient toutes les autres parties qui pouvaient être utilisées. Les enfants apportaient aussi leur aide, même ceux de ton âge, mon garçon. Oh, qu’ils travaillaient fort!
Tânisi ânihi mâchêwina tâpiskoch?
Ekonanki mitoni mêyote’hehâwuk, mâka âstâ’simowin mêna. Mitataht omtanâwâw âyisênêwak mâna mâmawupichik ochi pahpêtos mâmawi e âyâhkik, mêna kâhkeyâw âweyâk kê âyât âtoskêwin. Nêyanân kê osêtayak nêyanân kichi oyusi’wewina mêna kê nâwuson’îyahkik nêkanêwak tâ wêchihî’yakik kweyes t’âstâchik kâhkeyâw âniki âyisênêwak, mistâtimok, âtimok, kârts mêna âpachê’kuna kâkê ni tawehtâchik. Nâpewak pimpayiwak ânta ânima mâchêwin, mêna iskwewak eti otinâchik âniki uskê’kina, e munsâkik mêna e pasichik ânima wêyas mêna otinâhkik kâhkeyâw kêkwîy kâkê âpachêtâchik. Âwâsisak e wêchihochik mêna, ahpo âniki kâ esi’piponêchik tâskoch kêya, ni kosis. Oh, itohtakik mitoni kê âtoskêchik sohkê!
Métis Laws of the Hunt 1879 - Robinson
On Doing Business During the Hunt - Vanishing Spaces - Memoirs of Louis Goulet (1859-1936)
On Dressing Hides - Vanishing Spaces - Memoirs of Louis Goulet (1859-1936)
On Following the Herds - Vanishing Spaces - Memoirs of Louis Goulet (1859-1936)
On Gathering for the Hunt - Vanishing Spaces - Memoirs of Louis Goulet (1859-1936)
On Processing Hides and Making Pemmican - Vanishing Spaces - Memoirs of Louis Goulet (1859-1936)
On Winter Hunting - Vanishing Spaces - Memoirs of Louis Goulet (1859-1936)