Arts and Heritage Foundation St. Albert
Gallery Shop: Call for Submissions
The Art Gallery of St. Albert Gallery Shop is seeking submissions from craft artists, designers, and artisans in the community and beyond who would like to have their work featured in our retail space. Our shop represents over 60 regional makers, and has become a destination retail space for buyers of unique handmade, high-quality jewelry, housewares, and gift items influenced by fine art and design.
Artists receive 60% commission on all sales. Retail sale price is set by the artist.
Submission Deadline: Ongoing, submissions will be reviewed on a monthly basis
Submission guidelines:
- Up to six (6) samples of work may be submitted as digital images with proper documentation, including medium and sale price.
- Selected pieces must look professional and be ready for sale. Work will be refused if it does not meet this requirement.
- Please include with your submission a current résumé or CV, and a one paragraph artist’s biography.
- We require that if selected, works be available to the Art Gallery of St. Albert Gallery Shop for no less than one year.
If work is inactive for a period of more than six (6) months, the Gallery Shop reserves the right to return the piece(s).
The Art Gallery of St. Albert Gallery Shop will contact successful applicants within four weeks of receipt of submission.
Please email, mail or drop off submissions to:
Art Gallery of St. Albert, 19 Perron Street, St. Albert, AB T8N 1E5 Attn: Gallery Shop