Fusion of Traditions

Artist(s): Speplól Tanya Zilinski

Date: April 29 to July 26

Exhibition Space: Staircase Feature Exhibition

While sitting at the kitchen table with the beading loom warp set with dozens of threads, Speplól coaxes stories and teachings into existence. Surrounded by the hubbub of home and family, they thread row after row of tiny seed beads. Precise patterns come together to share sqwélqwel / true stories, sxwōxwiyám / legend or traditional stories and xwélmexwelh tó:lmel / traditional knowledge.

Speplól is Anishinaabe with family ties to Manitoba, but they were raised in British Columbia, separated from their traditions and language. They have been part of the Stó:Lō community in Hope for over 30 years through their partner, children and grandchildren. Both cultures are a living, breathing part of Speplól’s being.

“The loom beaded tapestries in this series are a representation of reconnecting to culture and a blending of two Indigenous cultures. They are an exploration of finding myself through culture and language and, in turn, keeping it alive for future generations,” Speplól says.

Thank you to the Canada Council of the Arts for their support of this project.

Image credits: Speplól Tanya Zilinski, Sx̲wōx̲wiyám x̲á:ls qas kw’e x̲pá:yelhp  (Sto:Lo Family Fishing Story), 2021, loom beading with mother of pearl buttons on Milton wool; Speplól Tanya Zilinski, Sx̲wōx̲wiyám x̲á:ls qas kw’e x̲pá:yelhp  ( Stories from the Ancient people: The Transformer and the Cedar tree), 2021, loom beading with mother of abalone shell buttons on Milton wool; Portrait of Speplól Tanya Zilinski by Lisa Berry