Fading Fables (Zar-Afshun)

Artist(s): Naghmeh Sharifi

Date: June 24 to August 23

Exhibition Space: Vault Feature Exhibition

Fading Fables (Zar-Afshun) is an audio-visual installation inspired by an old Iranian fairytale my grandmother would narrate to us as a bedtime story during the Iran-Iraq War. This tradition of oral storytelling has been one of the sole means of passing down old fairytales and fables from one generation to the next. With this project that couples my late grandmother’s narration with my animated illustrations, I highlight the role women have played in preserving oral storytelling traditions while creating the representation my generation of women lacked in post-revolutionary Iran.”  

– Naghmeh Sharifi, 2024 

Image credits: Naghmeh Sharifi, Fading Fables (Zar-Afshun), 2024. Digital video and sound, installation. Photograph by Vjosana Shkurti ; Naghmeh Sharifi in studio, by Tannaz Shirazi; Naghmeh Sharifi, Fading Fables (Zar-Afshun), 2022. Installation shot at Ada X.