A Mirror with No Reflection

Artist(s): Nicholas Hertz

Date: July 24 to August 30

Exhibition Space: Main Exhibition

Visitors can feel like they have been allowed behind the camera to witness this story. As they move through the space, their reflection keeps popping up, caught on screens and paper surfaces. Everywhere, there are references to places that they know and experiences that seem so familiar. But nothing seems quite real.

Nicholas Hertz has laid a path for visitors to wander through this archive–their archive. A Mirror with No Reflection gathers their life and experience. For Nicholas, each moment is a small fragment of a vivid memory, a documentation of their presence. In these stilled images of rooms, buildings and streets, Nicholas remembers who they were in that time and place.

A Mirror with No Reflection reveals a story in images while gathering your memories and experiences. Together in self-reflection, we stare into the same mirror as we work to understand.


Image credits: Nicholas Hertz, On a clear day I can see forever, 2022. Installation view, digital and offset prints on Kozo washi, mirror with text; Nicholas Hertz, On a clear day I can see forever, 2022. Installation view, digital and offset.