10. Education
When the Grey Nuns arrived in St. Albert in 1863, they brought with them seven orphans from Lac Ste. Anne. One of their first priorities was to start a school to educate these and other children in the area. The school quickly grew and by 1881 there were approximately 75 students. Children were taught French, English, mathematics, grammar, and religious education. In addition, boys were taught trades and girls were taught domestic skills.
In 1885, the St. Albert Roman Catholic Public School District No. 3 was officially organized and existing schools became part of the new school district. The sisters continued to teach for the school district but were no longer administrators. The last Grey Nun to teach in St. Albert retired in 1977.
In 1958, the St. Albert Protestant Separate School District No. 6 was created. St. Albert is unique in that the Catholic school district is the public system and the Protestant school district is the separate system.
En 1863, les Soeurs Grises ont quitté le Lac Ste-Anne avec sept orphelins. À leur arrivée à St-Albert, une de leurs priorités a été de construire une école pour éduquer les enfants de la région. L’école a grandi rapidement et en 1881, on pouvait y compter environ 75 élèves. Les enfants recevaient l’instruction du français, de l’anglais, des mathématiques, de la grammaire et de l’éducation religieuse. De plus, on enseignait aux garçons les métiers et aux filles les compétences familiales.
En 1885, le District scolaire public catholique-romain de St-Albert No. 3 fut officiellement créé et les écoles existantes en faisaient maintenant partie. Les soeurs ont continué à enseigner pour le district scolaire, mais n’en étaient plus les administratrices. La dernière Soeur Grise à avoir enseigné à St-Albert prit sa retraite en 1977.
En 1958, le Conseil scolaire séparé protestant de St-Albert No. 6 fut créé. St-Albert est particulier car les écoles catholiques font partie du conseil scolaire public, alors que les écoles protestantes font partie du conseil scolaire séparé.
Ispî wîya ehitakosihkik ayamihewiskwewak ( Grey Nuns ) 1863 ôta St. Albert, kîpekikîwak tepakohp kîwâc awâsisa ôte Lac Ste. Ann ohci, macika kîmâcikiskinohamawewak ôhi awâsisa asci kotakak awâsisak wâsakâm ohci. Kîkisiskâ yahkîmon Okiskinohamâtowikamik ekwa ispî 1881 nânitaw tepakohpomitanaw niyânosâp kîhitahtasiwak awâsisak. Kîkiskinohamawâwak wemistikôsîmowin, Akihcikewin, kweyask pîkiskwewin, ekwa ayamihâwin. Ekwa mîna nâpesisak kîkiskinohamawâwak tesipamihicik atoskewinihk nanâtohk pimâtisowinihk ekwa iskwesisak kîkiskinohamawâwak piminawasowin ekwa kaskikwâsowin.
Ispî ekwa 1885 ewakôma St. Albert Pâhkwayimihâwikiskinohamâtowikamik
School District No. 3 kâhisiyihkâtek ekwa kotaka kiskinohamâtow’kamikwa kîmâmawonikâtewa. Ayamihewiskwewak âhkam kiskinohamâkewak mâka namoya ayiwâk paminamwak otasowewin. Iskweyâc ekiskinohamâket ayamihewiskwew ôta St. Albert, piyisk kîpôyow 1977 ehakimiht askiy.
Ispî ekwa 1958, Otâkayâsiw kiskinohamâkosiwin kîhosihcikâtew, Separate School District No 6 kîhisiyihkâtew. Mâmaskâc ôma, St. Albert teyakwac wîyawâw Pâhkwayamihew Okiskinohamâtowikamik Public Schools ehisiyihkâteki ekwa âkayâsowikiskinohamâtowikamik Separate Schools ehisiyihkâteki.